Persian gatherings in New York SUCK !!!

So I'm planning on changing things...... The plan is as simple as A-B-C-Z Here's the plan:  A.) Get a bunch of happy-go-lucky Persians / Armenians / Georgians / Lebanese together- the type that know how to party  B.) Get a nice, exotic venue with great sound systems and good bar staff C.) Get a team together to put (A) into (B) and  make Zeee,    Z.) being a fun evening out for everybody-including the organizers.

Access Web site here:

Access Organizers web site, were we plan event and manage the logistics here:

More seriously, it seems to me short of student events, Columbia/NYU/Rutgers, and professional events (3rd Thursdays of every month) and political/religious polarized events, there is no Persian society in the NYC area for the more affluent twenty/thirty something focused on making use of all the clubs and bars that Manhattan has to offer. And there seems to be no on-line community here either, only e-mail distribution list.

Not for Profit
These events shall be Not for Profit, thus any surplus money raised over and above the cost of hiring the venue will mean bottles of FREE vodka distributed to the guest after 1am. The organization, and organizer should be transparent, meaning all issues and questions should be raised in this web application for all to see.

Tell your friends about us.
As this is my first event in USA I cannot accommodate too many guests (without putting $thousands up front), for venues in clubs that offer discounts based on number of people attending, there would be tickets, booking early means we would have the cash to plan for an even more opulent evening. .

Cheer up.
Life is not so bad :-) The evening is intended for serious drinkers and dancers. Done this before, so you're in safe hands ~~Trust me :-))

  And that's not all folks...
If all goes well we can arrange another, bigger event early next year.

 Curious (fuzoole?!) about who is organizing this, what is being done as part of the planning. You have reader access to our project planning tools and internal discussions, feel free to browse around. Click on any of the buttons on the top left to find out more.

To contact us. Please e-mail us at